SHARE in Boston

14267: Engaging Users and Reducing Complexity: z/OSMF Software Deployment Project Usability Discussion

Tuesday, August 13, 2013: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Room 313 (Hynes Convention Center)
Speakers: Geoff Smith(IBM Corporation) and Dan Hui Fan(IBM)
  • Engaging Users and Reducing Complexity: z/OSMF Software Deployment Project Usability Discussion (993.6 kB)
  • How does IBM decide what new ease of use initiatives to invest in? What makes one task harder than the next and how do we measure that? How do we know empirically whether we have succeeded? This session will discuss real world examples of how users contributed to the design and development of z/OSMF Software Deployment task. We will discuss how iterative user interface evaluations, task analysis, and complexity metrics contributed to the user experience of deploying z/OS and z/OS software using z/OSMF.

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