Do you have a large number of LOGON procs at your site? Do you ever get tired of adding ISPF application datasets to every LOGON proc? Have you ever wondered if there’s a better way to install and maintain your ISPF applications? If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions, this session is for you! Come to this popular session to learn how to invoke ISPF applications dynamically. This will help you shrink your logon procs to a manageable size, eliminate redundant procs, and get better overall ISPF performance to boot. Topics covered will include:
“Standard” ISPF vs. Dynamic ISPF
Coding REXX Driver EXECs, ISPF Menu Construction
Performance Considerations, LOADLIBs, Dynamic Steplib, and TSOLIB
Solving Common Problems, Miscellaneous Recommendations
Sell Dynamic ISPF to Management, Conversion to Dynamic ISPF
ServerPac - “The Dark Side”
Dynamic ISPF Starter Set, Setting Up TSO and ISPF