Ronald Tustin
Unum Group, Inc.

Biographical Sketch:
Ron has a diverse background that spans 30 years of IT experience. In early years he held the role as Senior Engineer for a leading catalog retailer for mainframe operating system software. He transitioned to the applications side of the business and for 10 years at an international animal diagnostic company as a Business Relationship Manager responsible for IT Europe, IT Asia and all technology facets for the worldwide diagnostic laboratory business as well as being responsible for Data Warehousing. It is interesting to note that during his 10 years at the animal diagnostic company they did not have a mainframe, so he gained and understanding and knowledge of UNIX and SAP environments. In 2009, Ron joined Unum Group, Inc. as they had decided to insource their mainframe environment that had been outsourced for 10 years to help build the new team - So he now is back to where he started!