Montgomery Bauman
IBM Corporation

Biographical Sketch:
Montgomery (Monte) Bauman IBM Columbus, Ohio 614-937-7076 (cell) Title: IBM Certified Senior Consulting IT Specialist Role: Enterprise Server Solutions - Technical Support Monte Bauman began his work in the IT industry in 1983 with the IBM Company in Endicott NY Glendale Processor Development Laboratory. Monte graduated from The Ohio State University with a BSEE that same year. From 1983 through 1991 Monte supported development of the 4300 and 9370 and 9221 product lines writing System Test code (assembler, PLX, and Rexx) and Hardware Management Console code (C). In 1991 Monte moved to Columbus, Ohio, becoming an IBM Large Systems Systems Engineer (SE). Since 1991, Monte's working title has changed numerous times, but his role as an enterprise server technical support specialist remains the same. Monte now concentrates the bulk of his efforts in supporting "new workloads" on IBM high end enterprise servers, including web and mobile, business intelligence and analytics, server consolidation and cloud, IT optimization and fit for purpose, and application modernization and integration. Monte has developed tools and methods supporting his efforts, including the TCO tool RACE (Right-Fitting Applications into Consolidated Environments), Issues/Remedies-Workshops, Fit-for-Purpose-Workshops, and IT-Strategy Assessment/Development Workshops. Monte resides in Columbus, Ohio, has four children and two grandchildren. Monte's hobbies include woodworking, skiing, ATVing, biking, birding, and traveling.