SHARE in San Francisco

13155: Lunch and Learn: OMEGAMON V5 improves problem management for increased system availability

Monday, February 4, 2013: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
Imperial B, Ballroom Level (San Francisco Hilton)
Speaker: Mike E. Goodman(IBM Corporation)

Are you able to find problems before they become outages? Can you use one tool to monitor all the System z activities? IBM OMEGAMON V5.1 family can reduce costs and decrease risk, with new capability to provide increased agility by proactively analyzing and managing z/OS, CICS, DB2, networks and storage.  OMEGAMON helps detect bottlenecks and other potential performance problems from multiple vantage points on a single user-interface.   As complexity has increased, the need for improved visibility into what is going on has gone up as well. This session will discuss capabilities of Tivoli monitoring on System z with key OMEGAMON product family, and what’s available today to help you be more productive and successful.

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