Monday, February 4, 2013: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
Imperial B, Ballroom Level (San Francisco Hilton)
Mike E. Goodman(IBM Corporation)
Are you able to find problems before they become outages? Can you use one tool to monitor all the System z activities? IBM OMEGAMON V5.1 family can reduce costs and decrease risk, with new capability to provide increased agility by proactively analyzing and managing z/OS, CICS, DB2, networks and storage. OMEGAMON helps detect bottlenecks and other potential performance problems from multiple vantage points on a single user-interface. As complexity has increased, the need for improved visibility into what is going on has gone up as well. This session will discuss capabilities of Tivoli monitoring on System z with key OMEGAMON product family, and what’s available today to help you be more productive and successful.
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