Wednesday, February 6, 2013: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
Union Square 23-24, Fourth Floor (San Francisco Hilton)
Kevin Wick(CA Technologies)
Deric Abel(America First Credit Union)
Ever get tired of issuing the same command over and over? Need to run a long, complicated set of commands on a daily basis? In this technical session, the speaker will introduce you to UNIX shell scripting, which gives you the ability to group basic commands, set variables, apply if/then/else logic, check condition codes, and call other programs all from inside z/OS UNIX. The topic will be presented in lecture format, but in a lab environment. Attendees will be encouraged to try commands, write code snippets, and ask questions during the presentation. No previous UNIX experience is required; the speaker will provide a short overview of OMVS and the z/OS shell and at the beginning of the session.
Tracks: zNextGen