SHARE in San Francisco

12881: The Penguins Have Landed – Getting Started with Linux on System z

Thursday, February 7, 2013: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Franciscan C, Ballroom Level (San Francisco Hilton)
Speaker: Michael Giglio(Shelter Insurance Companies)
  • The Penguins Have Landed (1.8 MB)
  • Linux for System z has been around for a decade. Lots of companies are running tens or hundreds of Linux virtual servers on a single IBM mainframe. Many enterprises have exploited this technology for server consolidation, cost savings, “green technology” and reducing the size of their data center. This presentation describes the path Shelter Insurance is taking to implement and exploit Linux on System z. This will include hardware requirements, the  z/VM virtualization hypervisor, virtual networking, software licensing, monitoring and application deployment. As this implementation is more of a journey that a destination, you will also hear about plans to continue exploiting the virtual environment.

    Tracks: Linux Systems Management, Virtualization in the Enterprise, z/VM Systems Programming and zNextGen
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