SHARE in San Francisco

12412: CICS Project Opening and Project Update

Monday, February 4, 2013: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Plaza A, Lobby Level (San Francisco Hilton)
Speakers: Glenn Schneck(GT Software) and Geoff Pirie(Hursley Labs)

If you want the inside information on what is happening this week in the
CICS Project, this is the session for you. During the first part of the
session, the CICS Project Manager will give a brief description of the
project and its organization. The schedule for the week will be discussed
and other items of interest highlighted. Please join us in kicking off
another information-packed week at SHARE. During the second part of this
session, Geoff Pirie, the CICS Customer Enablement Manager from IBM Hursley Laboratory, will deliver the CICS product update and keynote. Danny will cover the latest and greatest announcements in the CICS product portfolio including the
newest CICS TS V5.1 release. Additionally Danny will also provide an
insight into the exciting roadmap for CICS TS, Cloud, and the rest of the
portfolio demonstrating how CICS is continuing to evolve in response to
changes in the marketplace and technology landscape. This should be a
session on your MUST ATTEND list!

Tracks: CICS Systems Programming
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See more of Project: CICS
See more of Program: Application Architecture Development