SHARE in San Francisco

12365: Dynamic Configuration Features of Linux on System z

Tuesday, February 5, 2013: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Franciscan C, Ballroom Level (San Francisco Hilton)
Speaker: Richard G. Young(IBM Corporation)
  • Dynamically Provisioning Resources with Linux on System z Virtual Servers (2.1 MB)
  • In this session we explore some of the dynamic features of Linux for System z.   We look at cpuplugd for managing virtual CPUs and memory via CMM, as well as how the rules for cpuplugd work.  We will discuss what cpuplugd can and can not do.  We will also explore dynamically adding standby memory to a virtual Linux under z/VM.  We also discuss Linux suspend and resume capabilities.

    Tracks: IT Services Delivery, Linux Systems Management and z/VM Systems Programming
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