Angie Greenhaw
IBM Corporation

Biographical Sketch:
Angie Greenhaw joined IBM 12 years ago with a Bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems from Arizona State University. She is currently a Senior IT Specialist in the IMS Advanced Technical Skills group, where she is a primary resource in the areas of IMS security, Dynamic Resource Definition, Common Service Layer and Online Change. Angie enjoys educating customers at conferences such as IOD and SHARE, as well as IMS Regional User Group meetings on these topics, among others. Prior to this role Angie worked in IMS development, specializing in the Online Change function, contributing to new IMS functionality and devising solutions as a Level 3 Service Representative in this same area. She also spent three years as the IMS Development Representative at SHARE. Angie also invests time in creating intellectual capital and has written two white papers on the topics of Global Online Change implementation and using IMS Open Database with the IVP, and has co-authored four IBM Redbooks: IMS Version 10 Implementation Guide, IMS Version 11 Technical Overview, IMS Version 11 Open Database and IMS Version 12 Technical Overview.