10848: System Logger Update

Thursday, March 15, 2012: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
International Ballroom C (Omni Hotel CNN Center)
Speaker: Nicholas Jones(IBM Corporation)
  • System Logger Update (1.1 MB)
  • The speaker will outline the updates to Logger since Logger development last presented at SHARE on 2005.
    1.13 - parmlib, offload monitoring interval updates
    1.12 - share options enforcement, 4g data set support, common Virtual Storage Constraint Relief
    1.11 - Async write limits, latch identity, MTTR
    1.10 - Dynamic duplex updates, IXCMIAPU report enhancments, logger health checks, dealloc old (curds) offload data set
    1.9 - asynch recalls, Couple data set mismatch resolution part 2, SVC99 nowait on ENQs for offloadrecall(no)
    1.8 - Group prod/ test, rename log stream
    others -  IXGRPT2, Logger procs - s ixgoflds, conls, dells, delab procs

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