10499: DB2 for z/OS System Level Backup Update

Wednesday, March 14, 2012: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Birch (Omni Hotel CNN Center)
Speaker: Judy Ruby-Brown(IBM Corporation)
  • DB2 for z/OS System Level Backup Update/ (484.8 kB)
  • DB2 for z/OS Disaster Recovery for the Rest of Us (428.7 kB)
  • Each version of DB2 since V8 has improved SLB, whether expanding function or improving performance. z/OS versions added capability, ease of use, and flexibility. This presentation pulls them all together in one place - See how SLB can benefit you!

    Users want to know - should I implement System Level Backup (SLB) and eliminate individual image copies?  As users have more and more objects to back up, SLB becomes appealing. From its beginning as a niche for SAP users, SLB has added broader functionality. Each version of DB2 and z/OS augments its capability. Suitable for beginners, this presentation starts with the background of both utilities, Backup System and Restore System (together called SLB). The new capabilities found in various z/OS levels are described.  A deeper dive into the nuances of both utilities, setting up the environment and how data set recovery from SLB has been enhanced in DB2 10 conclude this smorgasbord of information.

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