State of Wisconsin
Biographical Sketch: Craig Schneiderwent is the author of files 498, 758, 775, and 788 (formerly known as the MA1K MQ SupportPac) on the CBTTAPE web site, and was one of the winners of the 2000 International Obfuscated C Code Contest. Over the last ~25 years, he has been paid to write code in the following languages: - Assembler (z/OS) - BASIC (DEC, GW, Quick, PDS) - C (z/OS, OS/2, Win32, HP-UX) - CList - COBOL (OS/VS, VS II, OS/390 and VM, Enterprise) - Java (1.2 on Win32, 1.3 on z/OS) - MARK IV (z/OS) - Perl (Win32, z/OS) - PL/I (z/OS) - PL/SQL - Rexx (OS/2, Win32, z/OS) - RPG II (Burroughs) - SAS (Win32, OS/2, z/OS) - Smalltalk (OS/2) Craig is currently serving as one of the Project Managers for the SHARE Languages Project, and is also a contributor to the CICS Wiki.
9611: CICS TS as a Requestor in the State of Wisconsin 9654: User Experience: Writing a Web-enabled CICS/COBOL Program
9658: Introducing LE Callable Services, plus a User's View of Why and How You Should Exploit Them in Your Applications
9824: Language Environment, COBOL, PL/I, C/C++, Rexx Project Opening