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8531: Using And Getting Benefit From SMF 113 Records - Customer Experience

Thursday, March 3, 2011: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Room 202A (Anaheim Convention Center)
Speaker: Meral Temel (Garanti Technology)
  • UsingAndGettingBenefit FromSMF113Records-CustomerExperience.PDF (30.9 MB)
  • SMF113 records have long been available. In this session , the speaker will talk about how she uses these records to help her company understand more the effect of several changes, such a changing LCP numbers, increasing workload volumes, looking at different CEC utilizations and understanding Hiperdispatch effects. With the use of SMF 113 and other performance-related data such as SMF 7X records, she was able to understand more about what was going on in their systems and measure the actual gain after implementing performance improvements. Garanti’s environment includes DB2/CICS applications running on two z10 machines.  You will learn from Garanti’s experience taking more advantage of the data provided in SMF 113 records to making their production banking applications meet SLAs. 

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