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SHARE in Anaheim

8405: Using the HCD/HCM as the Foundation for z/OS Compliance

Friday, March 4, 2011: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Room 207B (Anaheim Convention Center)
Speaker: Paul Robichaux (New Era Software, Inc.)
  • Share_Anaheim_IODF.pdf (3.2 MB)
  • By definition the z/Platform is a highly adaptable general-purpose business computer that can be “shaped” into many different configurations. Some will use the Logical Partitions (LPAR) configured exclusively with the z/OS operating system. Others will split the LPARs between z/OS, z/VM, z/Linux and z/Futures. The actual work of shaping the LPARs falls to those skilled professionals using IBM’s HCD and/or HCM. This presentation will demonstrate that their valuable work product, the IODF, is the Primary z/Platform Boundary and that its sub-components OSCP, SWCP and IOCP are Primary Integrity Control Points.

    The presentation will recommend best practices for using HCD and/or HCM for achieving:

    - A direct mapping of Business and Control Objects into their matching Processor (PROCID), Logical Channel Subsystem (LCSS) and Resource (LPAR) definitions.

    - An understanding of CHPID types and connectivity, with specific emphasis on LSYSTEM (Local System) and CSYSTEM (Connected System) pairings.

    - LPAR isolation using definable Positive/Negative Candidate List.

    In addition, examples of available methods for extracting and interrupting data directly from and IODF dataset using IBM provided tools (CBDMGHCP) will be discussed.

    Education value: Information Security and Compliance Officers, Security Administrators, System and Operational staffs will learn how to elevate their audit focus to a platform-wide level and in doing so gain increased focus on LPAR specific risk conditions that can integrity and availability.

    Tracks: Capitalizing on zEnterprise, Enterprise Data Center Management and Security Administration
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