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SHARE in Anaheim

8239: Safe and Secure Transfers with z/OS FTP

Thursday, March 3, 2011: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Room 212B (Anaheim Convention Center)
Speaker: Alfred B. Christensen (IBM Corporation)
  • Safe and secure transfers with z OS FTP.pdf (8.8 MB)
  • FTP is a readily available, convenient, and inexpensive technology to transfers files and data sets between z/OS and a virtually unlimited number of other operating system platforms. FTP is not a bad technology, as some recent press might lead you to believe. FTP can be misused and cause problems if the FTP service isn't properly set up to prevent potential security exposures. This session will explore a wide range of aspects related to how FTP works on z/OS. The session will reveal 'hidden gems' of FTP on z/OS and will look at a set of usage scenarios, providing suggestions on how to best exploit selected features of the z/OS FTP technology. The session will especially focus on how you can secure both the FTP environment itself and the individual data transfers that z/OS FTP participates in both as a client and as a server.

    Tracks: Network Support and Management, Security Administration and Security and Privacy Best Practices
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