IBM Corporation
Biographical Sketch: Don Zeunert has been working in Chicago (Oak Brook) regional office for the last 21 years. In his last position as a Sr Software Systems Engineer in the Tivoli Performance labs he provided expertise to help ensure optimum use and effectiveness of OMEGAMON products on zSeries. He is the author of numerous OMEGAMON and ITM tuning articles as well as author major portions of the tuning Redbook entitled IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE V3.1.0 Deep Dive on z/OS. He specializes in tuning of OMEGAMON products and the subsystems for MVS, USS, CICS, DB2, and MQSeries. He was also be a frequent speaker at SHARE as well as local CMG and NASPA meetings. Before joining Tivoli he had over 12 years experience in systems programming, performance management, database design and application programming.