IBM Corporation
Biographical Sketch: Bryan F. Smith, an IBM Distinguished Engineer, has been developing IBM database products for 20 years. For much of his early career at IBM, he was a software engineer for the DB2 for z/OS product. He spent one year on a temporary assignment at the IBM Design Center for e-transaction Processing in Poughkeepsie, New York, where he helped customers leverage DB2 across all of IBM's servers. Bryan spent three years as the CTO of the DB2 and IMS Tools team focusing on strategic technical issues which include some of the autonomic computing activities in the Information Management division. Bryan then returned to development of the DB2 for z/OS product as the technical lead for the DB2 for z/OS Utilities Development and Service team. His current assignment is the technical lead for database administrative tooling for IBM products. Bryan is a frequent speaker at DB2 conferences, has represented IBM on the Transaction Processing Council (TPC benchmarks), has published numerous articles in information management publications, and has eleven software patents in relational database.
8358: Two for One: Optim Solutions Update and Optimizing DB2 for z/OS Query Performance 8359: DB2 Statistics and Data Studio
8360: An Introduction to IBM's pureQuery
8361: Query Parallelism in DB2 for z/OS