IBM Corporation
Biographical Sketch: Kenny Blackman is an IBM Certified Consulting I/T specialist whose primary area of focus is SOA and Web Services technologies integration with IMS. Kenny has participated as the IMS subject matter expert for z Integration Architecture Workshops, for on-site consulting on IMS Connectivity and for IMS Application Modernization Proof of Concept projects. Kenny has over 40 years experience with IMS as a customer, as member of the IBM IMS development team at SVL and as a member of the IBM Advanced Technical Skills Team. Kenny has presented at the Information On Demand Conference, the zSeries Expo and at SHARE. Kenny is a member of the IBM I/T Specialist Certification Board and has over 20 U.S. Patents for IMS Object-Oriented Technology.
8557: Small Programming Enhancements for IMS 10 and 11 8576: What's New in IMS Open Database (ODBM)
9004: IMS Open Database (ODBM) Hands-on Lab